Thyroid Related Eye Disease

Thyroid diseases are characterised be thyroid gland enlargement with increased blood thyroid hormones. Some types of thyroid diseases are caused by disorders in the immune system.

In such patients (the most common is Graves’ disease), eyes as well as the thyroid gland can be affected. Because of increase in fat tissue around the eye and the enlargement of the extraocular muscles, the eyes come forward and cause the eyes to appear larger than they are.

Ophthalmopathy (Graves’ ophthalmopathy) is a clinical condition that can cause both cosmetic and functional problems and significantly decrease the quality of life of the patient. Such patients should be regularly monitored by an ophthalmologist specialized in this field.

Eye problems in these patient include inflammation, increased intraocular pressure, squint with diplopia, eyelid retraction, corneal problems and popped eyes. Treatment of these patients is decided in follow-up and includes medical treatment, botoks injections, squint surgery and orbital decompression surgery.